Hello World

My first birthday

I’ve been thinking about a personal blog quite often over the last years, but it had never happened up until now, for one reason or another.

I eventually took the decision mainly because of these reasons:

To celebrate this moment, I’m using the 2 most used words in software engineering, and also those with which - very originally - I dipped my toes into programming long time ago (almost at the time the above photo was captured).

I’ll try to bring cool stuff on the table, from whatever intrigues me from a purely technical perspective to topics that relates more to people than compilers. Finding the right topics and time to write will be challenging, but I’m happy to take this bet on me.

Whatever I’ll end up writing on this blog should always be taken with a pinch of salt, and it will represent my personal point of view, which not necessarily will align with the one from my employer.

See you soon!
